Monday, February 4, 2013

3 ways to make sushi rice

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"Among all delicious dishes of Asian foods, sushis are the easiest to make" A statement that is only true  if you already have good sushi rice perfectly prepared, what remains is a pushover.

If you have done a little search on the net, you must have found certainly many ways to cook it, so if you are a little bit hesitant about which one to follow, here are my 3 self tested ways to cook the perfect sushi rice :

1/ The easiest :
Cover rice and water for 10 minutes,
 then let them settle for other 10 minutes.

2/ The perfect :
high heat rice and water until it boil, then lower the heat for 15 minutes, then let it settle for another 15 minutes.

3/ The chef trick :
heat them on a medium temperature for 10 to 15 minutes, switch to very low heat for 10 minutes, then let it settle for 10 minutes

No matter which method you choose, you have to brew the rice and vinegar syrup at the end.

PS: All the above is for 1X of sushi rice for 1.10X of water.

Any questions? feel free to leave a comment .


  1. what do you suggest for the vineager seasoning ?

    1. Dear ouzal, for the vineager : 2 big spoons of sugar + 1 small spoon of salt, mix them with vineager on medium heat until it starts to boil, don't wait any further.
