Friday, November 28, 2014

3 Méthodes faciles pour préparer du riz à sushi

"To read the english version, click here "

" Parmi tous les délicieux plats asiatiques , les sushis sont les plus faciles à faire » Une déclaration qui n'est vrai que si vous avez déjà un bon riz à sushi parfaitement préparé, le reste est un jeu d'enfant.

Si vous avez fait un peu de recherche sur le net , vous devez avoir trouvé certainement plusieurs façons de le cuisiner, donc si vous êtes un peu hésitant sur celle à suivre, voici 3 méthodes que j'ai testé moi-même :

1 / La plus facile : Couvrir riz et de l'eau pendant 10 minutes,  puis laissez-les se installent pour d'autres 10 minutes .
  2 / La parfaite : le riz de chaleur élevée et de l'eau jusqu'à ce qu'il ébullition, puis baisser le feu pendant 15 minutes, puis laisser reposer pendant 15 minutes .

3 / L'astuce du chef: les chauffer sur une température moyenne de 10 à 15 minutes , passer à feu très doux pendant 10 minutes, puis laisser reposer pendant 10 minutes

Peu importe la méthode que vous choisissez, vous devez brasser le sirop de riz et le vinaigre à la fin.

Tout ce qui précède est pour une portion de riz, contre 1,10 portion d'eau ( l'eau doit dépasser le riz dans le récipient d'environ 1 centimètre, voire un peu moins ) .

 Des questions? ne hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How to fix the second hand of a chronograph watch

Here I'm going to talk about an issue almost every owner of an analogical chronograph timepiece faces,
it is the misplacement of the second hand after replacement of a battery, or after a shock.

I've had this problem on my CITIZEN time-peace and it lasted for a long time as I thought that it could only be fixed by the manufacturer or a skilled technician. Fortunately I came across the solution in a wristwatch manual and was thrilled by how easy and efficient is the manipulation.

Enjoy the video . 

Monday, February 4, 2013

3 ways to make sushi rice

"Pour lire cet article en français, cliquer ici"

"Among all delicious dishes of Asian foods, sushis are the easiest to make" A statement that is only true  if you already have good sushi rice perfectly prepared, what remains is a pushover.

If you have done a little search on the net, you must have found certainly many ways to cook it, so if you are a little bit hesitant about which one to follow, here are my 3 self tested ways to cook the perfect sushi rice :

1/ The easiest :
Cover rice and water for 10 minutes,
 then let them settle for other 10 minutes.

2/ The perfect :
high heat rice and water until it boil, then lower the heat for 15 minutes, then let it settle for another 15 minutes.

3/ The chef trick :
heat them on a medium temperature for 10 to 15 minutes, switch to very low heat for 10 minutes, then let it settle for 10 minutes

No matter which method you choose, you have to brew the rice and vinegar syrup at the end.

PS: All the above is for 1X of sushi rice for 1.10X of water.

Any questions? feel free to leave a comment .

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Make restaurant dishes at home

My fried chicken was never as good as KFC's, I must confess that I was so disappointed after trying all the recipes I could find on the net I reached the complete certainty that ordinary human beens could never make famous restaurants recipes that tastes exactly the same as the originals at home.

But sharing this article wouldn't make a sens if it was just to tell you that this is an impossible task, because simply this is another problem to which I've found some solutions, that I'm willing to share with my dear PratiCall © reader.

First of all, to cook delightful food, you need the recipe, right? But before the recipes, there are 3 simple keys I've discovered, the recipes you can find them here later.

Choose a subject : You may have prepared such a perfect sushis and the best lasagna ever, but how silly would it be to have them at the same serving? with a chocolate milkshake ? choose a theme to your menu.

Tools : Have you ever  tried to roll out almond paste with a bottle, instead of using the appropriate tool ? Needless to say that nothing of what I will share with you would be of a help, if you don't have the right tools.

Starters : I've read somewhere that Arabs in Andalusia have invented soup long time ago. I don't know if soup is actually something that could have been invented nor discovered, but I am sure that starters are the best food serving invention I have ever known, I don't care who have invented it, they allow to spend time with your guests when they arrive, it can be as simple as olives, good cheese, crisps, or a little bit furnished like French verrines.

You can skip the last one since it has no impact on the deliciousness of the main meal, all you what you need to know are good recipes and cooking procedures, you can grab them here, or you can keep browsing  PratiCall © for other practical solutions.

If you have a feedback or a suggestion, you are kindly invited to leave a comment,we read and respond to them all.

Friday, February 1, 2013

3 effective easy effortless ways to loose weight.

I am one of the laziest persons on the planet, yet I’ve managed to lose 30 pounds in no time, at ease, with no diet, no cardio exercises and no time consuming engagements. I am afraid if you are keen on sports, or are not as lazy as I am, that this article wouldn’t be for you. Our readers know that this site’s main purpose is to share the most practical effortless yet effective solutions, and that are proven and guaranteed.

Before I go through the 3 most effective ways to lose weight, I would like  you to keep in mind these important facts :

1.       Commitment: Those who commit on trying their best to achieve results will definitely have the body of their dreams, no doubt. I am going to share with you some easy ways that even don’t require any kind of commitment, did I told how lazy I am?
2.       Reject Myths: Don’t believe anything said by the masses and highly broadcasted by the media, one of those myths is that you need to follow a “hungry angry” diet, or torture yourself with cardio exercises. I’ve lost weight without doing anything of these, so there is no reason you don’t.
3.       Tomorrow will never come until it’s too late: Well all have been telling ourselves that may be tomorrow we’ll start whatever it takes to lose weight, or may be next week, or next month,… but guess what, by delaying time to take action, you gain weight, and by that, you gain fat also, congratulations, at least you are earning something in the process. The point is , start now, today, because tomorrow will never come.

Here are 3 effective solutions:

1-Burn fat like in a furnace:
This is a method based on the idea that what you need to lose is fat, not weight: very fair and reassuring, isn’t it ?
Furthermore, you must hear this, it has no CARB diets, which are useless and would only drive you hungry and angry at the same time. It’s as easy as pushing fat burning button, and you can take a look at it by pushingthat link.

2- Changing the way your metabolism deals with food :

It sounds weird, but very appealing too. Since it is not what we eat that affects our weight, but how our metabolism deals with it. These are actually a set of tricks and technics that are so healthy and easy to follow, that got the satisfaction of licensed physicians, like JILL HOLLOWELL (picture). And is also followed by tens of thousands of satisfied persons around the world. It is developed by the certified nutrition specialist KYLE LEON, grab it here.

3-Let the cellulite do it for you
It Is ONLY About Getting Rid of the Cellulite Dimples and Bumps…This may infuriate you, or initially frustrate you, But if you’ve been unsuccessful at getting rid of your cellulite with all of the hyped up, expensive “cures” –this method will not only educate and empower you but most importantly it will expose you to the only successfully proven way to banish the cellulite from your body – regardless of your age or ‘genetics’…
Joey Atlas said that there are no “toxins” to remove… This is a complete farce. The fat beneath your skin is exactly the same as the fat on the rest of your body. The BS advertising pitch claiming “you have toxins that build up in your body from the foods you eat and the air you breath – that get trapped in the fat in your mid-body – causing the bumpy skin…” – is another myth. And this method is a proven method to get rid of it; it’ll cost you nothing to take a look at it

if you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to live a comment.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fruits for breakfast, become revitalized from day one.

 "Do you want to make the most valuable purchase you can? Buy a juicer. Do you own a carSell the car and buy a juicer" Anthony Robbins.

What could be so magical and extraordinary in eating fruits and smoothies, that makes even communications masters and PNL gurus, like Anthony Robbins recommend it ?!
Anyone who had read a little about personal development, knows certainly Tony Robbins, the author of Unlimited Power, one of the books that had changed lives of millions -yes millions- of readers around the world, mine included.

What I didn’t know before reading his book, is that he had put in it such a magical yet simple and effort free formula to let the reader reach harmony between body and soul, based on eating fruits!! He actually dedicated an entire chapter for it and for nutrition in his bestselling book.

Tony Robbins said that one of the main reasons for which he recommends it, is because fruits contain the same ratio of water in them, as the one contained in the human body. A statement that seemed silly to me, at the time. However, he got my entire interest when he started talking about fruit digestion. Did you know that fruits are never digested in the stomach, but only in the small intestine, that’s why fruits should always be eaten on empty stomach. I let you imagine the fermentation that occurs when eating fruits right after a big meal.

Reasons to start eating fruit on breakfast are numerous, that is why I felt that waiting until I gather all of them before I start the diet, was not worth it, and just another lazy excuse. So having nothing to lose, I decided to start eating only fruits between 6AM and 12AM, only three months ago.
I assure you that I felt so revitalized and alert from day one, that I felt no need to get my daily dose of caffeine! What  I hadn’t been told before I tried this smooth delightful diet, and only came to get aware of it after trying it, is that it puts you in a good mood, improves your mental skill, gives you more energy and obviously helps you lose weight. The best part is that you can do it on your own and no one will charge you any fee for it.

The only issue I’ve faced was how to prepare real delicious juices to make that diet enjoyable. There are many books on how to make delicious healthy smoothies, if you ask me, I would recommend that one, or you can pick a health program instead, it is up to you to choose the solution that suits you the most, there are many on the web. Even complete programs are available, but I find them useless since all what you really need are fruits served in a delicious healthy manner.

if you have any question or suggestion, please feel free to live a comment.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to train Labradors and stop their bad habits

All our Labradors may have behaved badly, but what about that one : “There are no bad dogs, only bad owners”, a common saying that had skimmed my thoughts when I have heard that there are plans to forbid taming specific dog races in some countries, for their aggressiveness.
A dog is man’s best friend, and this, at least for me, has always contained some truth. Been a big fan of black labs, I’ve always enjoyed been with them. However, I must confess that their company hadn’t always been fully enjoyable, since, like every Labrador trainer, I’ve suffered from some bad habits: Barking, biting and carpet wetting.
I remember that my brother-in-law, who had the gift of raising these amazing creatures long before me, has spent years trying to stop these bad habits, and I was astonished when I’ve found out that this could be easily done in no more than two days here.
Never be upset of puppy’s behavior, many ways could help, like hiring a good trainer, there are a lot of ideas and suggestions on the net that any dog owner could use, like this very good Labrador training for example:
There are even some electronic devices which are supposed to give results but I've never given them a try.
The point is that no matter what manner or approach, a dog owner chooses, I am sure that dogs, or at least Labradors, if effectively trained, could stop biting, chewing and even barking overnight in no time, and this is a fact in which I didn't believe only few months ago.